A relaxing retreat

It is an understatement to say that receiving a cancer diagnosis is life-changing.  Compassionate, whole-person care becomes crucial, and being seen as a dynamic and radiant individual–having your concerns and questions be heard and sincerely acknowledged–can make a significant difference in how your body tolerates and recovers from the various aspects of the treatment protocol.  

I have a specialization in Oncology Massage Therapy, which is based on traditional Swedish massage techniques, but modified with appropriate pressure and positioning in order to safely accommodate for medication side effects, medical devices, radiation sites, surgical sites, and muscle tissues responding to chemotherapy.  

In addition to massage, Healing Touch and Reiki have also shown statistically to reduce anxiety and pain throughout the treatment and recovery process.  Clients also report a reduction in the discomfort of chemotherapy induced neuropathy, nausea, headaches, and an increased overall sense of comfort.

Massage, Energy Medicine, and Reflexology are typically done, if possible, within two days of receiving your treatment, and can be done in-between treatments as necessary for comfort and support.  Including Massage and Energy Medicine provides an integrative component to your treatment plan, but it is recommended to follow the advice of your oncologist and medical teams throughout your treatment.

Pause, breathe, and take a rejuvenating break.

Book your wellness treatment now.